
阅读:614 2024-02-02 21:30:51


商标在英文中通常被称为 "Trademark" 或简写为 "TM"。以下是关于商标的十个方面的详细分析:

1. 定义

Trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services they provide originate from a unique source and to distinguish them from those of other entities.

2. 注册

When a trademark is officially registered with a government agency responsible for intellectual property, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), it's often denoted as a "Registered Trademark", represented by the symbol ®.

3. 法律保护

A trademark provides legal protection against unauthorized use, which means others cannot use a similar mark that could cause confusion in the marketplace.

4. 类型

There are different types of trademarks including word marks, logo marks, service marks, certification marks, collective marks, etc.

5. 创建与选择

Creating a strong trademark involves choosing a unique, memorable, and non-descriptive name or symbol that can effectively represent your brand.

6. 侵权与诉讼

Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark without authorization, leading to potential litigation.

7. 维护与续展

Trademarks need to be actively used and defended to maintain their validity, and registration typically needs to be renewed periodically.

8. 全球性

Trademark rights are territorial; however, there are international agreements like the Madrid System that facilitate global registration and protection.

9. 价值

Trademarks often hold significant commercial value, representing the reputation, goodwill, and customer loyalty associated with a brand.

10. 转让与许可

Owners of trademarks can sell, license, or transfer their rights to others through assignment or licensing agreements.



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